


These are the results of a Myers-Briggs test. The result I received was an architect, It refers to the mind always ticking, this would definetly represent me as a person. It also classifies me as an introvert, the result of this charachter would mean that in a team I may not sound as active and excited to have some input than I really am. Moving forward I may need to change the way that I communicate. I do not like the idea of being an introvert as the wrong message may be portrayed.



This is the learn style test result, it states that I am a tactile learner, meaning that I learn by touching and doing, I am not sure if this is the case, I am questioning the accuracy of this result. the reason for this is because I learn mostly by seeing. For example when I started my work, there were complex things that I was able to do without propler training. This is due to the amount of information I collected by merely watching other employees do the same. Moving forward if this result is truely accurate, instead of just watching a video or reading an article and thinking that I have the necesarry information to carry out a certain task. I will instead try to figure out how to do it by practically interacting with the certain item or concept I am attempting to figure out.



This is a numerical congnitive test, this just tests my ability to work with numbers. But the reason I chose this test, was because of the Underlying concepts that the test reveals other than just how good you are with mathematics. The reason I belive that multiple employers will require test results from this test or a test identical to this one, is because I belive that mathematics is extremely closely tied in with computer science and programming. The basic laws of mathematics are seen all over code in any language. Further more, this test consisted of multiple questions that could not be answered with a calculator, this ensures the employer that the test will result in a fairly accurate score. Moreover test is a greatly considered factor in this examination. Time is of great importance due to the fact that in this feild, employers keep a great amount of attention fixed on the amount of the time that the person takes to fix the problem at hand. It is one thing to have a spart employee, it is a completely other thing to have a smart and fast employee. My result came back 100%, I was not suprised, due to my background in this feild. I could possiblely use this knowledge to help my peers understand concepts that they do not understand.