

This document will hold further information on the innovative app design, MyBin. The problem of Australian University students recycling waste insufficiently affects students, staff, and citizens and impacts them on both short term and long term, financial, physical, and mental platforms. A successful solution to this problem would provide intriguing and engaging education, thus making wise recycling choices more attractive. MyBin does encourage users to recycle through many means. These means may include rewarding, competition, and just plain encouragement. This target demographic has not only been proven to interact with mobile devices longer than any alternative device. But have been proven to interact with social media platforms far more than any other app or game.

MyBin is a mobile device app that encompasses many attributes of social media. Such as adding friends, making new posts, and following. This target demographic consists of students from about the age of 16 to 25. Out of all Australian First-year university students, about 96% report to owning a mobile phone. As the percentage goes down, the size of the device goes up. This is not merely a financial issue, but more so the immobility of the alternative devices. Moreover, 20% of all device usage is directed towards social media. MyBin encompasses many attributes of social media that would encourage this target demographic to go ahead and download this app. This logo has been designed to represent the application MyBin. It has the name of the application in its center. For users to easily identify it. This logo holds a lot of the color green and holds a sign with three arrows. This is known as the recycling color and recycling sign, recognised by many nations.

The MyBin profile is the page where the user will spend his most time, almost the home of the application, here he's able to access his previous posts in the photos below. He's able to access his friends list, add new friends, add new posts, go into the settings, change his profile picture, and do many more things. This application will been designed to follow the green and white color scheme to match the logo and also promote the green color. The color of recycling.

The main feature of this application is to make a recycling post. This recycling post will hold the number of points and on the top right hand of the application, on the MyBin page, it will give you an option to recycle. This will guide the user through a filtering process. The app will use the software, Google lens, in order to zone in on the nature of this item. After the image is captured and recognized, there will be a small number of options to choose from. For example, the size of a milk bottle that you have scanned. This filtering should not take over 30 seconds. If the Google lens software malfunctions or cannot connect to the server, there will be another option to filter out the items, first, a list of categories will be shown for the user to choose from, the user can then search the item by hand If they choose. Preceding the confirmation of the item, it will then ask for a quick snapshot of the item in the bin or even a photo of the bin the item has been disposed into. Once this has been completed, an upload option will pop up. The user will be able to choose whom to upload this information to.

MyBin will also have an offline mode. This mode will not allow the user to upload any information or use Google Lens until they have gained access to the Internet, although there will be limited access in this mode, the user will still be able to save a recycling process to upload this information when online. The reason for this mode is that people who do not always have an Internet connection will be at a disadvantage. The ranking system will consist of Rec points. The more recyclable the item is, the more recyclable points it will hold. For example, an aluminum can is 100% recyclable and can be recycled, over and over again, items such as this will hold many recycling points This application will consist of three different leader boards in order to rank the users. There will be a Rec local, Rec Uni, and Rec global. This will allow the user to see where they are on these leader boards, and the students will be able to climb these ranks.

The friend's page will almost be the interaction hub of the app. It will be the home of interaction, where the user will be able to interact with other users through posts, comments, removing or following, and many other things, as these users post recycling posts. Little snippets will be shown of each user. As the user navigates through them they will be enticed to click on it and verify the validity of these posts. Here on MyBin. The facts are simply the facts. Money cannot change the recyclability of a product or make the recyclable points more. But what we can do is sell this data to companies in order to encourage them to improve their products so that they can hold more recycle points, therefore making more sales. This will not only help the environment but will help these companies and MyBin. For example, if a milk bottle company decided to come to us to request their item to withhold more recycle points, we can then give them a list of things that they have to do to this item before this is listed as a higher recycle point item.

MyBin is an ingenious innovative app design. This app design allows students to track their recycling progress. As well as their friends. This application also gives students access to accurate recycling information at the click of a button. MyBin will surely encourage students to recycle more through the means of rewards, encouragement, and competition.

The skills that would be required in order to create this application would include front end and backend skills, it will require cybersecurity knowledge in order to regulate and ensure the security of the users, for example, if the users would log into MyBin with their FaceBook account their private data across not only MyBin but another platform is suddenly in jeopardy. The language PHP is also a very important language when it comes to creating these platforms, but most importantly Java and python are the most popular in this field. Java being a backend language and being a lot faster and simpler to compile than Python is very popular at the moment, whereas python has a simpler and easier-to-understand syntax. Overall, in order to create this application, I will have to have experience and skills in all the aspects mentioned above and more.

I believe that one of the difficulties that will be faced in this application is the way it will look... Underlyingly the program will be pretty simple to write up for someone that has some experience in the field. On the other hand, making this application appealing is going to be the difficult part.